
I'm Moon! I hope u are having a nice day :) and welcome to my carrd

General Info <3

Pronouns: They/He/
I am non-binary and I am unlabled with my sexuality! I am also on the ace spectrum.
I am in sttwt and pjotwt but i will just tweet about my other interests on my twitter
Some tweets may be serious.


BYF: I won't tag caps, I may forget to tag "cc crit" if i do let me know. I will be VERY critical about certain people
DNI: IRL SHIPPERS,normal dni criteria, Proshippers, Poppytwt, 30+, any nsfw account


-No nsfw on any of my posts
-Don't ask about where I live
-PQRT's are fine
-Be respectful in my replies when talking with someone else
- If I am following someone who is problematic PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
- I am 15. A minor. Be respectful

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